Medal of Honor: Allied Assault, the first PC installment of Electronic Arts’ WWII-themed shooter series, is superb. However, if the realistic setting has led you to expect a serious combat simulation along the lines of Ghost Recon or Operation Flashpoint, you’re going to be surprised and perhaps disappointed. Medal of Honor is first and foremost a run-and-gun shooter–a really, really excellent run-and-gun shooter. A lot of clever scripting and precisely orchestrated mayhem lend it a sustained intensity that more open-ended tactical shooters often lack. Relatively short but very dense, it’s like one-half game and one-half amusement park ride. You need for downloading.torrent files.
Download page for Medal of Honor - European Assault (Spain). Medal of Honor European Assault was the sequel to Medal of Honor Rising Sun. It returned to the series roots and based most of the game in Europe. Medal of Honor: Allied Assault - Spearhead chronicles the last year of the war. (EULAS), AND INSTALLATION OF THE ORIGIN CLIENT SOFTWARE (WWW.

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