Winxcom Program For Calculating X Ray Attenuation Coefficients

Winxcom Program For Calculating X Ray Attenuation Coefficients

Winxcom Program For Calculating X Ray Attenuation Coefficients

NXcom – A program for calculating attenuation coefficients of fast neutrons and gamma-rays NXcom – A program for calculating attenuation coefficients of fast neutrons and gamma-rays El-Khayatt, A.M. 2011-01-01 00:00:00 This work is concerned with a construction and use of NXcom computer program for calculating the removal and attenuation coefficients of transmitted fast neutrons and γ-rays, respectively, through mixtures, composites, concretes and compounds.

A program for calculating attenuation coefficients of fast. Computer program for calculating the removal. Ray attenuation, the program predictions. WinXCom - A program for calculating X-ray. A program for calculating X-ray attenuation coefficients. Electron is a promising method for calculating and Z eff. (µ) describes the fraction of a beam of x-rays or gamma rays that is absorbed. Can be calculated from the values of the mass attenuation coefficients by the. Theoretical values and XCOM computer program for calculating mass attenuation. WinXCom calculates tables of cross sections for the interactions of photons.

The program uses only one input data file for neutrons and γ-rays calculations. For γ-ray attenuation, the program predictions were tested by comparing them with the well-known WinXcom program results and an excellent agreement was noticed. Also, it has been used for calculating the values of macroscopic effective removal cross-sections Σ R (cm −1 ) for five new published polyamide and anhydride composites designed for shielding mixed neutron and γ-rays. The obtained values for Σ R using the program and the reported attenuation thicknesses which were based on the Monte Carlo N-Particle (MCNP) code showed the same trend. The NXcom program can be used as a preliminary effective tool for testing the shielding material against fast neutrons and γ-rays.

Annals of Nuclear Energy Elsevier Abstract This work is concerned with a construction and use of NXcom computer program for calculating the removal and attenuation coefficients of transmitted fast neutrons and γ-rays, respectively, through mixtures, composites, concretes and compounds. The program uses only one input data file for neutrons and γ-rays calculations. For γ-ray attenuation, the program predictions were tested by comparing them with the well-known WinXcom program results and an excellent agreement was noticed.

Also, it has been used for calculating the values of macroscopic effective removal cross-sections Σ R (cm −1 ) for five new published polyamide and anhydride composites designed for shielding mixed neutron and γ-rays. The obtained values for Σ R using the program and the reported attenuation thicknesses which were based on the Monte Carlo N-Particle (MCNP) code showed the same trend. The NXcom program can be used as a preliminary effective tool for testing the shielding material against fast neutrons and γ-rays.

Journal Annals of Nuclear Energy – Elsevier Published: Jan 1, 2011. Russkie plagini dlya kodi

Winxcom Program For Calculating X Ray Attenuation Coefficients
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