Windows 10 Setup Helper for gamers, power users and administrators. Script is no longer in active development because Windows 10 is being updated too frequently. Version 9: rmApps.cmd -> Script with Y/N interaction autoRmApps.cmd -> Script without interaction advRmApps.cmd -> Script without limitation. Can remove everything with Y/N interaction. Wrong usage can break your Windows! (Remove Cortana with this script after autoRmApps.cmd script finished) - clean uninstall of Apps via dism.exe (All Users) - tweaks from Windows Privacy Tweaker - nearly every app can be removed - service configuration choice: Safe or Microsoft (Black Viper's Service Configuration) - removed some more stuff for your privacy (Privacy And Shit Script) - OneDrive can be removed before it gets installed.
Downloaded WinLite10V7 and WinLite10V7-auto, Started windows 10 64-bit setup, Shift+F10 is working fine but the commands with sc and schtasks are not working as there are no such files present in either whole windows 10 64-bit setup or anywhere on X: and C: drives. When a stranger calls 720p download. However after the failure of these two commands all the other commands are successful. Whether this lite version after the failure of sc and schtasks commands whether winlite10V7 will be able to remove required files and services or not. UPDATE: When windows update installs version 1607 aka the 'Anniversary Update', it brings back ALL THE GARBAGE including Cortana and Edge:( In the end, here's what I did to maintain a clean install (it involves preventing Windows Update from ever running).
UGcGoXnSIWZkQaRbJにお住まいの Dusty さんの記帳 2rand[0,1,1]歳 ツ男性: 2016年04月28日(木) 10時18分.
Installed Windows 10 Pro/Enterprise, interrupting installation to use 'Windows 10 Lite' and not activating wifi or connecting to the internet. Activated windows using Microsoft Toolkit EZ Activator 3.
Disabled Windows Update: Run services.msc, find 'Windows Update' in the list, double-click it, set Start-up type to 'Disabled', click OK. (btw, I don't believe this can be done in Windows Home) That's basically it, you can then turn on wifi and not worry about Windows Update screwing you. Of course I also turned off everything under privacy settings, and disabled automatic driver updates as well. Maybe one day I will run into problems without Windows Update, but for now it's smooth sailing. **** Original Review Below, which still applies as long as you don't run Windows Update **** This is SO GREAT (with minor confusion during installation, see below) I feel like a curse has been lifted.
I was worried that this would create a buggy Windows experience, but the reality is that Windows 10 is a nightmare on its own, whereas this fix turns it into the slick, clean operating system that it should be. I'm a fairly mainstream Windows user (Word, Excel, Photoshop, Ableton live, etc). Everything runs flawlessly. Say goodbye to cortana, sports app, zune app, weather, all the extra garbage. ABOUT THE INSTALLATION: I put Windows 10 Lite on the bootable Windows 10 usb key I already had. CTRL + F10 as per instructions worked fine.
Once I ran the command, I was presented with some unexpected options ('safe' vs 'tweaked'). I chose safe, based on some quick research.
Then I was presented with many choices of which Windows 10 programs/apps to remove. I removed almost everything. BUT I experienced the same problem as the 1-star reviewer reported: after applying the fix, Windows installation booted back into the same configuration screen I had originally pressed CTRL + F10 on. But this was not really a problem, I just clicked next etc WITHOUT applying the Lite fix a second time, and the installation completed successfully (the initial application of the fix got the job done). Once in windows, the only weird thing was not having the taskbar search working, but I followed the Windows Lite instructions (hide useless taskbar search, add new link to other Windows Search) and the alternative search works just fine (but you need to make your own new copy of the shortcut, otherwise Windows will remove your link from the taskbar at startup, lol).
Windows 7 Aero Blue Lite Edition 2016 is the most popular and widely used operating system which has many advancements. This free download is a Standalone installer of Windows 7 Aero Blue Lite for both 32-bit and 64-bit architecture. Windows 7 Aero Blue Lite Edition 2016 Overview Windows 7 Aero Blue Lite Edition 2016 is the best version from Microsoft until now which is based on Windows 7 Ultimate Service Pack 1. Many advancements are made in this release to make it more comfortable and faster as compared to the other versions of Windows 7. The interface is user-friendly and extremely incredible. As this release is focussed on making Windows 7 lightweight and providing more performance along with fully loaded environment.