FIELD: medical engineering. SUBSTANCE: device has optical channel for creating reference stimulus of yellow color, optical channel for creating stimulus of test color, unit for superimposing color stimuli in testee vision field. An optical channel for creating test color stimulus has two separate channels of red and green color each of which having additional radiation source with smooth adjustment of its intensity and collimator unit, light filter and aperture mounted in series. Relative openings of apertures enable one to change proportions of red and green color in a test stimulus. The unit for superimposing color stimuli in testee vision field is bilateral mirror plate having unit for building color test stimuli with predefined angular size. Each of three optic channels has a system of two objectives.
The bilateral mirror plate is movable in the plane running in perpendicular to light beam direction in the optical channels. The optical channels are inclined at an angle of 15-45 deg to each other. The unit for building color test stimuli with predefined angular size has mechanism for moving ribbon bearing a set of calibrated holes in the plane arranged in perpendicular to light beam path in the optical channels.
Mar 13, 2018 - Check Spouses Text Messages for Free, Secretly Way to spy another Mobile Phone! There Is a Free Way to Browse Chats! FIELD: medical engineering. SUBSTANCE: device has optical channel for creating reference stimulus of yellow color, optical channel for creating stimulus of test.
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EFFECT: enhanced accuracy in diagnosing color vision function disorders with light and moderate disorder degree being differentiated. 3 cl, 2 tbl Description Translated from Russian.