Programma Dlya Rascheta I Proektirovaniya Garderobnoj

Programma Dlya Rascheta I Proektirovaniya Garderobnoj

Kasatkin, V.E., Programma “Underground” dlya rascheta potentsialov po trasse gazoprovoda (The Program “Underground” for Computation of Potentials along Gas Pipe-Line Route), Moscow: NIFKhI im. Karpova, 1998. Programma GEO5 dlya proektirovaniya i analiza podpornyih armogruntovyih i gravitatsionnyih konstruktsiy [Program GEO5 for design and analysis of retaining Armagrandi and gravitational structures] (2012) Certificate of conformity No ROSS CZ.SP.N, Moscow.

Programma dlya rascheta i proektirovaniya garderobnoj a friend

• 57 Downloads Abstract The paper represents a general and comparative (for particular examples) critical analyses of designing the cathodic protection for branched gas-distribution city systems, proceeding from an average protection current density, its experimental values, or the equations for the linear pipe sections. The limitations of such approaches are revealed, yet the protection current values thus rated can reasonably be used for estimating the current leakage from a gas-distribution system to extraneous underground structures.


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Programma Dlya Rascheta I Proektirovaniya Garderobnoj
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