I want to increase my memory card memory 4gb to 8gb or 16gb to 32 gb. Memory stick drive increaser 4gb to 8gb software free download Memory card.
The reason why your stick wasnt able to copy the file is because the stick is formatted into a fat32 and fat32 file format do have limitation of 4gb single file transfer that means you cannot transfer a single file that exceeded the 4gb capacity For the second question the reason why your xbox wasnt able to recognize the files is the codec or the file type of the 3d movie is not supported i suggest convert the files first to a xbox 360 supported format see here what are those files in converting use a third party video converter:) hope this work. There is no way to do this, any way you can do it probably are software`s that allow you to 'change' the value written on the drive, by value I mean only the numbers and not the Disk Space. So if you want to do this just buy another memory card, this is like an 'in your dreams' wishful thinking. And if it was possible you would have to sacrifice a memory card to do it, since you want to increase its size then I am thinking that you will have to combine other memory cards with yours.

So do not bother in doing this, it is just a scam on the net or other people that just want to prank people or waste their time. Leader Board Leading Today Pts Helpful 1.
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