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Apr 13, 2011 - Looking at the HDMI pinout description on I don't see how this could possibly work. ▫ Wide 8V to 36V Input Voltage Range. ▫ Output Adjustable from 1.25V to 32V. ▫ Maximum Duty Cycle 100%. ▫ Minimum Drop Out 0.3V.

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I want to clarify the statement on. It states one of its feature is Ensured 3A Output Load Current. My question is related to the Adjustable version of LM2596 Vin: 4.5V-40V Vout: 3.3V-37V Does the above statement means: No matter what voltage the input is (as long it is still in Vin range and higher than Vout), the LM2596 will still regulate with 3A output load current? Extreme cases: Vin: 40V and Vout: 3.3V, and Vin: 40V and Vout: 37V Can LM2596 regulate both cases with 3A output load current? If not, please provide me info or chart that show varying load current based on Vin and Vout. Side notes: My reason to ask these question is because I think LM2596 should have max power rating (I can't find one yet from Datasheet), thus 37V@3A would be more than 100W. And I think the power is too big for such small IC.
Thanks for your time!
Eddie branigan. For release as a single, 'Hold Me' was edited, removing around half a minute from its duration. The American 12' vinyl featured 'Hold Me (Vocal/New Extended Remix)' as the A-side, with 'Tenderness (Vocal/Extended Remix Version)' and 'Spanish Eddie (Vocal/Extended Remix Version)' as the two B-sides. An American 7' promotional single was also issued, featuring 'Hold Me (Edited Version of Remix)' as the A-side and 'Hold Me (New Extended Remix)' as the B-side, both remixed by American producer. The Japanese release featured a different track from the album, 'When the Heat Hits the Streets'.