Oct 31, 2011 - These rifles are not only well made & gorgeous &. 100,XXX serial number, imported by KEBCO sometimes in the 70's, came with a Bushnell. You can then deduce & reduce the numbers of models that could be yours. Dec 17, 2017 - Tried to look up a serial number and I just get something that says 'this. FN mauser 98 rifle, 'Husqvarna' marked actions, 8mm chambering.
Ad for the company from 1899, for their velocipede. When military orders dropped after the of 1864 and the of 1870-71, Husqvarna begun making and hunting rifles. They also started manufacturing stoves, sewing machines and bicycles. In 1903 Husqvarna made their first. Husqvarna continued firearms production, though mostly civilian firearms except during the two world wars and some shorter periods of military production. In the late 1960s it was decided that Husqvarna should stop making firearms and sell both the rifle production and military contracts to in. Military firearms [ ] • • • • • • • • (for the ) Civilian firearms [ ] Husqvarna made numerous types and models of break action shotguns.
The first medium caliber rifles used the same action as the Swedish Army's. This type was manufactured from 1927 to 1942 circa, known as the Model 46 and mostly chambered in, and from early 1939 Husqvarna started purchasing actions from the Belgian company, labeling the rifles Model 146, 246 and 640. Though the M98 was a strong and well proven action, it was not an ideal situation for Husqvarna to be depending on one of its worst competitors for such a key component. An independent bolt action design was introduced in 1953 as the 1600-series, which was available in several European and American chamberings, including 9.3×62mm,.270, 30-06; 8×57mm, 6.5×55mm, and others. It was a small ring Mauser-like design advertised as the 'HVA Improved Mauser Action'. In 1969 they discontinued the HVA action in favor of a cheaper to produce push-feed design, called the 8000.

They ceased manufacturing all firearms in 1972. With the army order for the the company was able to find the funding to re-tool the workshop to produce a newly developed bolt action, marketed in 1967 as the 1900-series and continued by well into the 1980s. Husqvarna also built a limited number of an elegant double rifle in caliber, the model 410. See also [ ] • •.
Hello all, this is my first post, and there seems to be alot of knowledgable users here on the subject. I have a husky 30-06 rifle, i believe it to be a 1640.
I read somewhere that the 1640 husqvarna says husky on it, mine does not, dont know if thats an automatic disqualification for it being a 1640. Serial number 1377XX It says nitro on the barrel, has the crown stamped on the receiver and on the butt plate. On the rifle it says husqvarna vapenfabriks. Has the wing safety or whatever its called ( going to have to remove that and have a sport safety for a scope,im assuming. I would like to know the model, the year of its production, and where can i find mounting base for this? Thanks so much for the help! This thing is realy, really accurate.
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