As long as you have an intel based mac this iSub problem will probably not be fixed. I have an iSub myself and have spent countless hours trying to get it to work on my macbook pro. I guess its just outdated and its not an important enough issue for apple to even consider fixing, which saddens me sense they usually think about there customers but obviously not in this case.
Aug 20, 2001 i-SUB for Windows-Based-PC. The iSub was designed specifically for the slot-loading iMacs with internal Harman-Kardon speakers, they will also work with the.
The only possible fix i have seen is for PowerPc found at this link: Hopefully this problem will finally get fixed in the future, and if so then i can finally hear the crisp sound of my iSub I've missed for quite a while. Thank-you, Apple magicians!! The glorious, deep bass is back, the crisp highs, the full gorgeous sound which, we all thought was gone forever! No popping, too! Rainy day in Palm Springs, so, on a hunch, after downloading combo update of 10.6.5, I unpacked the Sticks & iSub.
Shut down the iMac. Connected the speaker system.
Started iMac, went to Prefs> sound>and there they were!! Brought up iTunes, and immediately selected Blackbird by the Beatles, then the sublime Brahms Quintet in B minor Opp 115.Unbelievable!! Prikaz o naznachenii otvetstvennogo za deloproizvodstvo i arhiv obrazec. Happy Happy Joy Joy. Hi, First, of all, I should mention, I am using the original Sound Sticks + iSub,w/external power, not the newer set. You, of course, were sure to select the Sound Sticks, as the output, in Prefs, right? Silly as it seems, this step is often missed.
You might try simply doing a Safe Mode boot by Re-Starting & holding down the Shift key, for a very very very long time! When the sign-on screen appears you should see Safe Mode in red. Safe Mode often sorts out problems. Then, Re-Start,again in normal mode. I'm very old school when it comes to updates of OS, and never use the Software Update feature! I always go to the Apple downloads & get the Combo updates, then download.
Before installing, I back-up, then, close all apps, next reject ext HD, & disconnect it; and even shut down internet connection. Disconnect all peripherals, too. Now, run installer & then Re-Start. If there are any probs, run Repair Permissions, and Re-Start in Safe Mode. Hope this works for you! Message was edited by: blueCdreams Message was edited by: blueCdreams. I have only the iSub (externally powered), not the Soundsticks.
Nothing shows up in the Sound Pref on the Output tab except the Internal Speakers. I tried plugging in a pair of USB headphones, and it recognized them. It also switches to Headphones when I plug regular headphones into the headphone jack. It's a brand new iMac - up and running fine for a week now.
The iSub was working on my old iMac Flat Panel machine just prior to switching over so I know it's OK - and the Syst Profiler recognizes the iSub hardware. I wonder if the driver for the Soundsticks/iSub combo was the same driver.
I don't know what happened to the OS/iSub hardware compatibility. Years ago when I changed from OS 10.2 to 10.4, the iSub still worked but there were quirks with it in 10.4 - Sometimes it would un-mute on it's own. An if you used any volume control other than the one in the Sound Pref, the iSub volume would go to a much lower max volume. Now the OS doesn't seem to do anything. I'll give the Safe Mode thing a try.
An maybe I need to go the old school route with another OS load if nobody comes up with anything here. Thanks a lot. Update 5/24/11 - I emailed Harmon about the iSub and got this: My question: iSub doesn't work with my Intel Imac Mac OS 10.6. It was working fine on my Power PC iMac with OS 10.4 I did some searching on 'fixes' to get an iSub to work with Snow Leopard, but didn't find anything. The hardware shows up in the System Profiler, but the iSub doesn't show up in the Sound Control Panel in Syst Prefs. Harmon Kardon's site simply states that the drivers are included in the Mac OS (through 10.3), but I had them working on my prior iMac Flat Panel with 10.4.11. No luck with my new iMac and 10.6.5.

Are there any fixes? - Any help would be appreciated ------------------- Their response: The iSub is not supported under the newer platforms, as the iSub has been out of production for over 11 years.