Fumihito, in his address, expressed concern about the physical and mental health of the elderly and other evacuees as their evacuation is prolonged. Abe said his government will “push to build a Japan resilient to natural disasters” while touching on the lifting of evacuation orders for municipalities struck by the Fukushima nuclear accident as progress over the past year. Poyasniteljnaya zapiska k balansu kazennogo uchrezhdeniya obrazec.

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Finally, the 0.7.1 release is here! We received a lot of feedback from the release candidate and the 0.7 beta/0.7.0, so it took a while to fix and polish it all. With the game smoothed out and stable, the downloads were updated here and on Steam. The following is an attempt to list the most important changes since 0.6. You can also check the.
General + new gametypes: 'last man standing' (LMS) and 'last team standing' (LTS). Survive by your own or as a team with limited weaponry + 64 players support.
Official gametypes are still restricted to 16 players maximum but allow more spectators + new skin system. Build your own skins based on a variety of provided parts + enhanced security.
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All communications require a handshake and use a token to counter spoofing and reflection attacks + new maps: ctf8, dm3, lms1. Client + animated background menu map: jungle, heavens (day/night themes, customisable in the map editor) + new design for the menus: added start menus, reworked server browser, settings + customisable gametype icons (browser). Make your own!
+ chat overhaul, whispers (private messages) + composed binds (ctrl+, shift+, alt+) + scoreboard remodelled, now shows kills/deaths + demo markers + master server list cache (in case the masters are unreachable) + input separated from rendering (optimisation) + upgrade to SDL2. Same story as with 0.6.3 and 0.6.4, again we're doing a release to fix a vulnerability. If you're actively playing Teeworlds, you likely already noticed that a lot of servers were full of '(connecting)' clients.
This was possible because you could forge the connection packet in a way that made it seem like it came from an arbitrary IP address. Other than that, the release is mostly technical, allowing to build Teeworlds with the popular CMake build system and fixing a build error with gcc. Additionally, the initial connection handshake turned out to be unnecessarily slow: The client waited 500ms before sending the initial info for player name, clan, tee color, etc. It looks like the 0.7.0 release is also coming closer, so maybe this release will have a short lifespan. As with the 0.6.3 release, a reported security vulnerability motivated this release: This time, the security vulnerability is worse, attacker controlled memory-writes and possibly arbitrary code execution on the client, abusable by any server the client joins.