19> obratit' (vzor, vnimanie) _Ex: all eyes were bent on her vse vzory byli obrasheny na nee _Ex: with his eyes bent on the ground potupiv vzor, opustiv glaza, ustavivshis' v zemlyu. Tangirnaya setka v vektore. Ako je!v vektor i x >0 broj, onda x!v ima istu orijentaciju kao!v, a ako je x v ima suprotnu orijentaciju od!v. U kontekstu vektora brojevi s kojima mno zimo vektore zovu se skalari. Tangir; tangirnaya setka benedictine 1> monah ili monahinya benediktinskogo ordena; benediktinec _Ex: benedictine rule ustav benediktinskogo ordena 2> benediktin (liker) benedictus 1> 'Benediktus' (gimn ili chast' rekviema) benelux 1> _ist. Benilyuks bengal 1> bengal'skii bengal fire 1> bengal'skii ogon' bengal light 1> bengal'skii.

Feeding our Future – Nutrition on Earth and in Space examines food as a vital part of life on Earth and in space. It shows why we need food in the first place and what it represents in our culture and daily living.
The video illustrates how our bodies process food as a source of energy and building materials. It looks at the importance of good nutrition for a healthy life and what can happen without it, whether here on Earth or in space. The programme also looks at research for preserving and growing food for long flights, as well as valuable technology for future food supplies on Earth, where climate change and population growth are global challenges. New techniques developed for space missions can help to feed hungry people on our planet. The DVD has a duration of 35 minutes and can be downloaded as a high-resolution movie (417 MB). A Teacher's Guide and a User's Guide are also available for download.
Bergman cleared waivers, and the 29-year-old remains in the organization, having gone 4-5 with a 5.00 ERA in 13 games, including eight starts earlier in the season. It was the first of two homers on the night for Zimmerman, who went 4-for-4 with five RBIs and four runs scored. Azad azerbaycan tv canli izle.